Saturday, March 3, 2007

An update! TGIF!

Original 01-26-2007

Sorry it has been so long since an update. It feels as if Matt and I have been in the On Mode for the entire week. With Matt working quite a bit and myself trying to get my online classes underway and the house cleaned up we just feel super busy. Have I mentioned how many dirty dishes only two people make? It is crazy! But thank goodness it is Friday!

But some good news came of this week!! My loan company finally figured out what they were supposed to be doing with my money. Long story short: They were not putting MY money in MY account. After 3 months...they got it right!

We got our car fixed, finally! It took us a few weeks to find someone that would do the work and for us to bring it in on Matt's day off. To Tuesday was the big day for the car to get some shiny new parts (I have pictures in the Photo Album of our day). They mechanics did a two day job in a little less than 12 hours for us. They were SO nice and I'm going to send them a Thank You card. They worked their butts off and we are VERY pleased with the work they did. Now we just need to get some new brakes and the car is good to go!

I had an OB appt on Wed. Everything is fine. He is growing well and I'm a bit of a tubby girl...but who says baby weight is a bad thing? LaughingMaybe when he chubs up more, he will take MY chub! A girl can dream.... Just a few more weeks and I will be considered full term! Can't wait. Matt asks me all the time if I'm done with him yet so he can have his turn with him. I don't blame him. I have had all this time with the baby and Matt just sits there watching me get fat...sure can't be all that fun for him. His day will come soon!

I have the car seat all ready for the baby too! I even tested out the fit with a teddy bear. Laughing

How does it look? Good, ya? We can't wait to put it in the car. Not too much longer. 59 more days!

Well that is all for an update today. Matt works all weekend. I will most likely do school work and sleep...I need to get in all that I can!!!! Love you all.

Matt, Crystal and the Baby

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