Friday, October 30, 2009

More waiting...

So here is an update on the housing situation. The four bedroom that we were told we could get was not correct info. Whoever told that to Matt did not know what they were talking about. So, boo to that! We do still get a three bedroom but one won't be available until DECEMBER 11!!! So I'm STILL at my parents house with the kids while Matt is up in a hotel on base. The plan is for me to visit him next weekend to go have a mini tour of the base and to look at one of the churches we are interested in.

Other than that, nothing new with Grand Forks.


In kid news....

Christian is very good at saying no. :( Boo to that as well! But he is still precious and funny. He was kind enough to inform me the other day that I did not have poop in my pants. Thanks, Son!!

Sarah's poor eye. She has been to the doc once for antibiotics because it can get so red. That cleared it right up but now it seems to get red quite often. We still have leftover drops for it that seem to keep the redness at bay but we really need to get it checked out. Clogged ducts usually clear up by a year but her doesn't seem to be changing at all. So, I'm pretty sure we will need to go in and get it taken care of by a procedural method of some kind. Not looking forward to that!!

I'm trying to get Sarah down to one nap a day so that it can be at the same time as Christian's. The last two days that I have tried it have gone well. Today went smoothly too.

Christian's appetite seems to be on a winning streak lately. He eats pretty normal and even asks for more fruits. He loves grapes, pineapple, watermelon and most of the time, blueberries. Yay! He still doesn't like crusts or being sticky.


Okay, I think that is it for now. I'm going to sit in the recliner and relax for a minute before I clean up the kids' mess. Thanks for reading me today!

Monday, October 26, 2009

To North Dakota He Went!

This past Sunday Matt took off for North Dakota. This week he will inprocess, find out what his job will entail, and HOPEFULLY be able to get us a house! Busy week for him.

The kids and I stayed behind even though we could have gone with him. But we had no clue how long it would take to get a house so we thought it easier to just stick around until we are called on by the Hubby. haha

The past few weeks seemed to fly by. We tried to do a lot and relax a lot. Matt got a lot of hunting gear. He shot a pheasant on his first day out and it happened to be a 'game' pheasant from Cabella's in Mitchell. It had a tag on it's leg so they brought it in and were told it was 1 of 100 birds that the store let go. It was a chance at $1 million dollars!!!! We didn't win.... And if we had I wouldn't put it on the blog for the world to see anyways! I would have cousins I didn't know about asking me for money. It was a cool first bird to shoot though! Here he is with it:

Sarah is standing up on everything! She sorta scoots along the couches but not much. She might be walking soon. Her birthday is also TOMORROW!!!! My baby girl will be ONE. The last year flew by.

Christian finally got a hair cut. It was getting so long! He looks good with it short. :) He is a stinker and tries to get away with stuff but he's still super cute. He's a Momma's Boy right now. Too much at bedtime though. Wants me to read anything and everything, kiss all the animals, get more animals, get water, change his pj's...on and on and on!

Christian is also obsessed with this cartoon:

This is Wubbzy. Sometimes it is the first thing out of his mouth when he leaves his room. He wants to sit on the couch and watch Wubbzy. It's certainly better then some stupid cartoon shows but he wants it ALL.THE.TIME. A plus to Wubbzy? I know what his 3rd Birthday party theme will be!

Not much with me. Trying to put our stuff together to figure out what needs to be taken from my parents house and Matt's parents house up to Grand Forks. It's A LOT is all I know. Going to need a U-Haul for sure. I'm also sick. I thought I had just lost my voice from having a lot of late movie nights with Matt but it turns out I'm actually sick! No voice, coughing, stuffy nose and head. But NO fever which is good. Keep that piggy flu away!

Not much else. I'll let you know about our housing situation as soon as I do! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I have been pretty bad about blogging for you all and getting pictures up for you to see. So I'll put some here to show the last few weeks in review. Ready. Set. Go!

Sarah is now a little beaver with her two top teeth. They are in further than this picture and she is also working on a tooth to the right of the top ones. She is a much better teether than she was when the bottom two came in. :)

Sarah's first pedicure courtesy of Auntie Anne. I got my toes done before heading to St. Louis also.

We made a sign for Matt to see when we pulled up to the house on our way back from St. Louis. I wanted to have Christian put his hand print on it as well as Sarah's feet prints.

Christian wasn't going to put his hand in paint. He backed waaaaay up!

We convinced him to paint a little then Anne snuck in to hold him and we quickly got a yellow hand on the sheet.

Daddy back with his babies!

Sarah is now an avid reader of books! She sat on both Grandpas laps for a very long time just looking at pictures, talking to them, and flipping pages. Maybe she will be the bookworm of the two?! Here she is talking and pointing.

Sarah has also found out how to wrestle! She will crawl over to Christian when he is on the floor and tries to climb on top of him. Christian played along this day and put his legs around her to hold her in place.

It didn't help all that much because she got higher. :)

She also pulls herself up to stand sometimes. And of course I missed the first three times she did it! I finally saw it when she stood up at the couch next to Grandpa Kent. I caught a few pictures of her at the dishwasher trying to stand up a few days ago. She did it! Then of course when I went to get a video of it she just crawled around.

Christian is a lover of Wubbzy. I can't stand the show but he asks for it almost every morning. Blue's Clues was his favorite. I wish it still was because my ears don't bleed during that show.

This past Sunday we made it back to the Country Apple Orchard. But this time it was for pumpkins!!!!! But we were actually quite dissappointed in the selection they had for us to pick out there. Some really big orange ones but a lot were small and green. Who wants those?! Not us. So we just grabbed this one that Christian and Matt picked out then went back to the store to get the smaller orange ones already in a large bin.

Sarah all bundled up. She hardly moved. haha

Christian rode the horse (and train) again! This time Daddy got to help with it all. He smiled the whoooooole time. Loved it.

Then we tried to get a family picture. Not so great. It was almost 3pm. Way past naptime. He didn't want to sit. Didn't want us...only the Grandparents. Bawled the whole way to the car. He was a mess. But the rest of us look sorta cute! haha

We have done a few other things here and there but nothing blog-worthy. Matt is going pheasant hunting this weekend. We'll see what he comes back with. HA!

Next week we head up to Grand Forks. No new developments in the housing department.

Kids are napping, lunch is done, relaxation on the horizon. Bye all!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A family of FOUR again!

Well, it's been almost a week since I left on the journey to retrieve my husband. haha We had a great little trip with just the two of us. Had a few snaphoos on Matt's end trying to get OUT of Hawaii but he made it. After getting delayed a day and me staying alone for a night in St. Louis we were finally reunited. :-) And I have to say, he looked darn good. He lost weight and was tan! Driving around that convertible the last few weeks gave him a farmers tan but boy did he wear it well.

After Matt got to the hotel he took a 2-hour nap and then we were off to get the car. It literally took only ten minutes. They had to jump it first to get it to the garage for us to drive off. Sitting there for so long must've killed the battery. But, I thought we were going to be there HOURS. Hooray for being able to go get some lunch afterward. We got the keys and started to drive off but didn't get far before we started having major issues with the car. The gears were sticking BAD after sitting there for almost a month and the rpm's would go up to 85 and we were literally only going 5mph. It was scary. Then the battery was too dead and we had to keep jumping it until we got to an Autozone to buy a new one. After we got both issues worked out we were good to go and brought the car back to the hotel to enjoy some quality time together. We stayed the night in St. Louis, left the next day for Omaha, and then headed back home to our babies Sunday morning.

At any rate, we are now back in Sioux Falls with the rest of the family and IT.IS.GREAT! It feels so good to be back together. We DO have to get used to each other again. Like having to share a bed. And not being able to listen to what I want in the car. And fighting over the remote.

BUT it's wonderful and I'm so happy. We will be leaving for Grand Forks in a few weeks and will hoepfully be getting a houes right away. We called the housing office and we are #2 on the list but for the 'older housing'. So we'll see what we can do when we get there to maybe get some newer stuff. We had one year of living in an absolutely horrible 'old' house and I never want to go through that again. Praying for good housing!!!!!

I'll have to stop being lazy and get the pictures from my camera onto the computer so that I can share some with you. I haven't taken many but I do have some cute ones. :)