Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Take It Back....

...Matt hasn't been up to nothing. Well, he was doing nothing until Thursday that is.

I'm sure all of you have heard the news by now. Matt is going to Korea for a few weeks. I don't mind at all. We are just miffed at the lack of time between when he was informed of Korea and when he is actually leaving for Korea. Four days. Thanks Air Force! He could be gone for 3 months instead of 3 weeks and I wouldn't have minded it as long as there was adequate time preceding his departure. Grr.

Anywhos...I just hope that I can handle both kiddos. Christian is still a pill and Sarah would rather nurse all day. I told Matt that I want to clean/organize/sell some stuff while he is gone so I hope to find the time to do so.

Enough of that, it's no biggie.

Here is a video of the kiddos. For some reason Sarah giggles when Christian is in front of her. He makes any movement/noise and she loves it!! She was laughing so hard that I had to help hold her head up. It would go back and she had troubles getting it upright again. haha Hope you like the video. **And don't mind the mess. It was 10:30 in the morning and I don't clean much until about 3pm! haha

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