Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Speech Eval

Christian had his speech eval today at Tripler. It went as I suspected it would. He was all over the place and didn't really want to do much for Dr. Lorna. But she managed to get him to do a few things for her as well as ask me a ton of questions. And, again, as I suspected he is behind in speech. He only really says 2-3 words...if that. He should be saying more than 8.

So she put in a referral for somebody to help him out through Early Intervention. They will come to the house and work with him. That will be REALLY nice because then I won't have to cart both kids to Tripler each time he needs therapy (which I did today for the first time all alone)!!

A lady in the elevator said I was brave and looked very cute for being out with both the kids. She said we all looked so put together. I told her I was happy they were both still alive! haha

There isn't much else to say about the evaluation, though. She realized just by observing him that he is ON THE GO - ALL THE TIME! She said I must be super busy at home now that Sarah is there.

She has NO idea!

1 comment:

Val said...

We've been through that also. Jayden is on an IFSP, but now were fighting trying to get a therapist. I'm actually in the process of contact SD Advocasy because our service coordinator told me he might have to go without services. That is a BIG no no!! That's just a piece of everything. I hope things go smooth for Christian. And I LOVE your idea of Project 365! Way cool! (Maybe I'll copy you) My friend did something like that but she photographed sunrises for an entire year.