Monday, January 21, 2008

Houston: we have a molar!!

I feel like an absolutely mean and horrible Mommy. :(

Christian has been SO cranky the last week. I fed him, changed him, held him, played with him, fed him again, put him down for a nap, gave him to Matt....nothing seemed to help his crankiness. Come to find out...he has a MOLAR coming in on the bottom. Boy, did I feel like a schmuck for being so frustrated at him. I almost cried because I felt so bad.

I usually brush his teeth during his bath at night but the last few days I gave him a quick bath in the afternoon because he was either dirty or I knew it wouldn't get done later. So during those quick baths I never brushed his teeth. Well last night...there it was! You can see the 4 little white humps poking through. Just looking at it makes MY mouth hurt!!

So two things came out of finding his tooth. One - he doesn't have an ear infection! Two - he is taking his molar pretty well!! If all he is, is cranky and clingy then I'll take it!! I have heard some horror stories of babies teething. So very glad that he has taken it this well so far with all SEVEN teeth! :)


On a side note, I'm going to a get-together with some ladies from Bible study. Every Monday they try to get together with a lady named Nancy. We talk about something interesting we have read in the Bible lately (which will help me get back into the Word) and afterwards Nancy will either have a little message for us or a mini-devotional. I'm very excited to go to this as it will be my first time. I hope that I can make it every Monday.


This past Saturday we had game night at Ryan and Elizabeth's house. They are also from Bible study. We met a few of their friends and we really enjoyed ourselves. We stayed until 3am!!! We borrowed a pack and play and Christian slept upstairs while we all mingled and played board games. We hope to make this every week as well.

Well I think that is all for an update today. I've been keeping busy with baby and homework!!

Crystal Keefer

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